Individually, our impact is limited, but united, our potential is boundless.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to empowering women, advancing gender equality, and eliminating harmful practices such as child marriage and dowry. Our mission extends to championing the rights and opportunities of all, including people with disabilities, the transgender community, indigenous groups, and ethnic minorities. Through active community engagement, advocacy, and strengthening local governance, we strive to break the cycle of poverty, end human trafficking, guarantee education for every child, and foster sustainable economic growth. Together, we are building a future where every individual can thrive and contribute to a brighter, more inclusive world.

Our Vision

To build a self-reliant, technologically advanced Bangladesh, where hunger and poverty are relics of the past. We aspire to create a society where every individual—regardless of gender, ability, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status—has equal rights, opportunities, and the chance to actively participate in shaping their future. By harnessing innovation and inclusivity, we aim to ensure that every person thrives and contributes to a vibrant, equitable nation.

About Us

Establishment History of Dishari Janakallan Foundation

We are dedicated to supporting individuals with diverse needs and challenges. We focus on providing assistance to people with various disabilities—including physical, visual, intellectual, and mental impairments—as well as those with autism.
Our commitment extends to the transgender community, indigenous populations, and ethnic minorities.
By promoting inclusivity and empowerment, we aim to build a society where everyone has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential and make meaningful contributions.

Our Initiative

Our initiative is focused on providing support and resources to uplift underprivileged communities. Through collective efforts, we aim to bring positive change and improve lives.

Our Team

Reza Khan

Hassan Ahmed Reza Khan



Md. Abdul Aziz



Md. Masudur Rahman

Executive Director